What does Sold Out - Backorder Available mean?

This product is not currently in stock in store, but we will try to source this from our suppliers, so there may be delays getting the product in. We cannot guarantee availability from suppliers and will do our best to get an accurate ETA if they are out of stock. Feel free to email us at sales@frontlinehobbies.com.au before placing your order, and we can let you know if this is in stock with our suppliers.


Why didn't I get free shipping on my order?

Free shipping does not apply to all items on our website, or all locations in Australia. Some oversized goods and dangerous goods cannot be sent by Australia Post and therefore need to go by courier, so there will be a shipping charge. Some parts of Australia, such as remote areas, do not quality for free shipping due to the higher charges associated with sending to these areas.


How long will it take to receive my refund?

Refunds are typically processed in 1-2 business days. Depending on the payment method, it can take longer for funds to be deposited in your account.