1985 Games Miniatures - Gal Gahon "Breaker of Men"

1985 Games Miniatures - Gal Gahon "Breaker of Men"



A wild high pitched battle cry rings across the torn field. Ahead, in a clearing you see a lone figure shouting defiance to your army. Gal Gahon, the "Breaker of Men" earns her name as she charges you line hacking left and right breaking your line and leaving a gap through which a hoard of the enemy piles in. Her job done, she raises her gore covered blade aloft and, once more, shouts her challenge to the sky. Her eyes drift across the battlefield, a myriad of individual skirmishes until she locks eyes with you. Your guts turn to jelly as she hefts her sword and stalks your way. 


Brand 1985 Games

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