Dapol N 6 Wheel Milk Tanker United Creameries (Silver) 70355

Dapol N 6 Wheel Milk Tanker United Creameries (Silver) 70355



Milk tankers were developed to allow the safe, efficient and fast transportation of milk from the country into towns and cities. They first came into service in the early 1930's and went through various design improvements and modifications until the 6 wheel milk tanker was developed which remained in service until the early 1980's, when their use was eclipsed by the use of road transport. Between 1932 and 1948 over 600 were built and several survive into preservation.

The Dapol model represents a typical post war variant and features;

  • Finely moulded body with seprately added ladder detail
  • Accurately applied livery
  • Profiled wheels 


Brand Dapol

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