HobbyBoss 1/35 USAF XM706E2 Plastic Model Kit [84536]

HobbyBoss 1/35 USAF XM706E2 Plastic Model Kit [84536]



The XM706E2, was supplied to the U.S. Air Force forbase protection purposes, post-attack reconnaissance against munitions and EODuse. The XM706E2 featured no turret and an open-toppedcenter parapet. In practice a variety of weapons were mounted on USAF XM706E2s,but the most common configuration was one .50 BMG-caliber M2HB machine gun andone 7.62mm NATO M60 machine gun. Other equipment included the XM174 40 mmgrenade launcher and searchlights. The 3rd Security Police Group of the UnitedStates Air Force at Clark Air Base Republic of the Philippines was stilloperating the Duck" as a Fire-Team vehicle until it received M1026HMMWVs in the fall of 1988.

Item No84536
Item NameUSAF XM706E2
Bar Code6939319245366
Item TypePlastic Model Armor Kit
Model DimensionLength: 164.2mm Width: 66.3mm
Total Plastic Parts310+
Total Sprues8 sprues , lower hull , upper hull and tires
Chromeplate Partsn/a
Resin Partsn/a
Metal Partschain
Photo Etched Parts1 piece
Film Accessoryn/a
Released Date2020-05
More FeaturesThe kit consists of over 600+ parts
-the kit w/refined detail
-Main tires with very good detail
-Photo-etched parts included



Brand HobbyBoss