HPI HD Idler Gear V2 (27T) [160042]

HPI HD Idler Gear V2 (27T) [160042]



#160042 - HD IDLER GEAR V2 (27T)

HD Idler Gear V2 for the Jumpshot Flux. Made from sintered steelfor improved durabiltiy and with updated tooth proflie for lowerrolling resistance.

Will also fit the Jumpshot V1 & V2, but requires 2x bearings#B021.
The following gears must also be used together as they haveaunique tooth profile:
#160039- DIFF GEAR 60Tor#160040- HD DIFF GEAR60T
#160041- TOP SHAFT GEAR SET V2(22T)
#160042- HD IDLER GEAR V2(27T)


Brand HPI Racing