Noch Spruce Tree

Noch Spruce Tree



It Makes You Feel as if You’re Standing in the Forest!

For a forest, the “Spruce Tree” is ideally suited to obtaining an even more detailed forest scene. The true-to-life flocking makes it look even more realistic than ever before and gives you the feeling of standing in a real forest between large conifers.

Trees lend every landscape an authentic appearance and should not be missing at any time of the year! Whether blooming prettily in spring, full of foliage in autumn or with a beautiful blanket of snow in winter, trees blossom in a variety of colours in every season.

Is your designed diorama still lacking realistic spruces? Then these are just the thing for you and will quickly transform your landscape into an enchanting eyecatcher.

This tree is part of the NOCH PROFI Trees series and meets the highest standards of quality and realism. See for yourself!

Contents: 1x Spruce Tree, approx 14cm tall.


Brand Noch