Noch Waves & Billlows

Noch Waves & Billlows

Now  $16.49


It Flows, Bubbles and Rushes: Water in Motion!

The product "Waves & Billows" was developed in order to create high waves. It’s ideal for a beach scene with surfers or a diorama with a ship on the high seas, for example.

With the help of the viscous jelly, high waves and billows can be modelled with extreme effects. These waves can be removed straight from the tub and applied onto the body of water.

"Waves & Billows" is a paste-like compound that is applied to the surface of the water with a small putty knife or toothpick. To model higher waves that break on the shore area, for example, the mass is first ‘pushed’ towards the shore with a bristle brush. To erect the wave, the material must first dry a little and form a stabilising skin. Then erect the mass into the shape of a cockscomb. You might have to repeat this process until the wave stands securely and can harden. The material will harden and dry transparent after approx. 12–18 hours.

Waves & Billows can be used on any substrate – even polystyrene. And after use, the tool can be easily cleaned with water.


Brand Noch

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