Pandemic On The Brink 2nd Edition

Pandemic On The Brink 2nd Edition



This is an expansion, the base game is needed.
Has saving humanity become routine? Spice Pandemic up with new roles and events. Add a fifth player, try Legendary difficulty, or add an optional challenge:

What if one disease is particularly nasty?
Or, if a fifth disease is wreaking havoc?
Or, even worse, if that fifth disease is being spread by a hidden Bio-Terrorist?


7 new Role cards, with matching pawns
8 new Event Cards
1 purple Disease wood marker
1 Cure Indicator sticker
1 Bio-Terrorist location pad
1 Epidemic card
1 reference card
4 blank cards for customizing
5 petri dishes and labels
8 Virulent Strain Epidemic
2 Mutation cards
12 purple Disease cubes
3 Mutation Event cards


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