Schleich - BattleCave Ice Rat

Schleich - BattleCave Ice Rat



The Ice Rat looks really mean waiting there, next to its BattleCave. Its piercing cold eyes look closely at anyone wanting to pick a fight and steal the Ice Crystal from the BattleCave. Above the BattleCave, a dangerous ice slingshot is circling on a long chain, hitting anyone who dares to come close. But even if you manage to overcome the obstacle you are still far from having made it. To get the Ice Crystal, you have to go into the BattleCave, but a trap awaits

In a flash, sharp shards of ice flip up to deny access. Will anyone succeed in defeating the Ice Rat? The ELDRADOR CREATURES BattleCaves will transform every children's room into an action zone! Who will face the breathtaking battle? All BattleCaves can be combined. Scary tunnels, and tricky traps await the attackers. In the big arena they can then meet for the final duel. What a fight!


Brand Schleich

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