SDS HO LHO Brake Van LHO1617 Single Guard Door Plain Bearing Bogies Indian Red

SDS HO LHO Brake Van LHO1617 Single Guard Door Plain Bearing Bogies Indian Red

Now  $112.50


10 of these vans were built in the early 1960s. They utilised the underframes from condemned ACX carriages. They received bogies recovered from some RUB and HUB cars.

They were all constructed with plain sides and high elliptical square ended roofs, all were finished in unrelieved deep Indian red. In 1968 LHO1615 was finished with twin buff lines to match set WAB130.

Later some were fitted with an extra conventional swing door for access to the Guards compartment. Seven were converted to LHY in the mid 1980s with the fitment of YMD high speed roller bearing bogies.


Brand SDS Models

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